
The Circulari Project


The Circulari project was a collaboration with Paula Meijerink landscape architect for WANTED and associate professor at the Graduate School of Design Harvard.Within the context of the conference Topologies, Bodies, Sites and Technologies this paper presents the Circulari art project. Circulari could be described as a movement landscape, a video garden or a choreographic field. The paper reveals the different disciplinary facets of 'circulari' which triangulate movement, land art installation and screen technologies to investigate notions of mass movement from a macroscopic to a microscopic scale. With this project inscribing land and cultivating kinaesthetic rhythms is discussed with a historical and contemporary perspective .It focuses on the circulatory and the transformative relationships between landscape and the body. The paper references and makes tangible global shifts within landscapes of production, while simultaneously affecting the personal scale of the body in movement, resulting in site-specificity expressed though reference, materiality and proximity.Society of Dance and History Scholars, Conference Proceedings 2009 Stanford University

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