
Saturated flow boiling in small- to micro- diameter metallic tubes: Experimental results and modeling


Some results of a long-term study of flow boiling patterns, heat transfer rates and pressure drop of R134a at pressures of 6-14 bar in five vertical stainless steel tubes of internal diameter 4.26, 2.88, 2.01, 1.1 and 0.52 mm are presented in this paper. The flow regimes in the 4.26 mm to 1.1 mm tubes were identified as dispersed bubble, bubbly, slug, churn, annular and mist flows. As the diameter was reduced, progressively slimmer vapour slugs, a thinner liquid film around the vapour slug and a less chaotic vapour-liquid interface in churn flow were observed. Confined flow appeared first in the 2.01 mm tube. Dispersed bubble flow was not observed in the smallest tube (0.52 mm) for the range studied in runs in which wavy film flow occurred. The heat transfer coefficients in tubes ranging from 4.26 mm down to 1.1 mm increased with heat flux and system pressure, but did not change with vapour quality for low quality values. At higher quality, the heat transfer coefficients decreased with quality, indicating local dryout. The heat transfer characteristics of the 0.52 mm tube were different from those in the larger tubes. The data fell into two groups that exhibited different influences of heat flux below and above a heat flux threshold. The pressure drop and heat transfer results were compared with existing correlations but with some limited success. Recent progress on mechanistic models for heat transfer along with comparisons and recommendations are included in the paper

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