
Linear, integer separable and fuzzy programming problems: a united approach towards automatic reformulation


For mathematical programming (MP) to have greater impact as a decision tool, MP software systems must offer suitable support in terms of model communication and modelling techniques. In this paper modelling techniques that allow logical restrictions to be modelled in integer programming terms are described and their implications discussed. In addition it is demonstrated that many classes of non-linearities which are not variable separable may be after suitable algebraic manipulation put in a variable separable form. The methods of reformulating the fuzzy linear programming problem as a Max-Min problem is also introduced. It is shown that analysis of bounds plays a key role in the following four important contexts: model reduction, reformulation of logical restrictions as 0-1 mixed integer programs, reformulation of nonlinear programs as variable separable programs and reformulation of fuzzy linear programs. It is observed that as well as incorporating an interface between the modeller and the optimiser there is a need to make available to the modeller software facilities which support the model reformulation techniques described here

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