
Advancing the state of the art in the modelling and simulation of information systems evaluation


It is widely accepted that Information Systems Evaluation (ISE) is a powerful and useful technique that can be used to assess IT/IS investments in an a-priori or a-posteriori sense. Traditional approaches to ISE have tended to centre upon financial and management accounting frameworks, seeking to reconcile tangible and intangible costs, benefits, risks and value factors. Such techniques, however, do not provide the IS researcher or practitioner with further insight or appreciation of any inherent and implicit inter-relationships, in the investment justification process. Thus, this paper outlines and discusses via a taxonomy and resulting classification, alternative and complementary approaches that can be applied to ISE from the fields of Artificial Intelligence (AI), Operational Research (OR) and Management Science (MS). The paper subsequently concludes that such approaches can be potentially used by researchers and practitioners in the field, as a basis for carrying out further research in the field of applied ISE

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