Well-being among same-sex and opposite-sex attracted youth at school


In this study 53 students who reported being solely or primarily attracted to members of the same-sex were matched with 53 peers who reported being attracted solely to members of the opposite-sex on various demographic factors as well as exposure to bullying at school. Data relating to tobacco and alcohol use, drug use, health risk behaviors, concerns and sources of social support, interpersonal sensitivity, depression, anxiety, hostility, suicide ideation, loneliness, and concentration were analyzed. Results indicated that same-sex attracted students reported drinking alcohol alone more than opposite-sex attracted peers however they were no more likely to engage in health-risk behaviors, or use Class 1 and 2 drugs. They were more likely to report being worried about being lesbian or gay, and were more likely to seek support from a member of school staff than opposite-sex attracted peers. In terms of psychological well-being, same-sex attracted students scored significantly higher on the hostility subscale hostility when compared to opposite-sex attracted peers, and were more likely to report feeling lonely. These results suggest that the management of reactive aggression or hostility towards others may be a key determinant of healthy gay, lesbian, and bisexual development

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