A Review of Hybrid Manufacturing


In recent years the combination of laser-based Additive Manufacturing and Computer Numerical Controlled (CNC) machining has become increasingly popular, with several machine tool manufacturers exhibiting products based on different machine tool configurations. This technology, widely known as Hybrid Manufacturing, generally exploits Directed Energy Deposition processes using powder feedstock that is fed into a melt pool created by a laser. Although Directed Energy Deposition processes predate powder bed fusion Additive Manufacturing (at least in terms of coating and repair applications), commercialization of Hybrid Manufacturing systems is still very much in its infancy. However, they do offer clear advantages, combining a high deposition rate together with the accuracy and surface finish associated with machining. This paper presents the history of the development of Hybrid Manufacturing Systems (HMS), dating back from work undertaken in the mid 1990s through to the present day. The relative merits of different material deposition approaches are compared and some of the key technical challenges which remain are highlighted and discussed.Mechanical Engineerin

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