The potential of Ion Mobility Mass Spectrometry for high-throughput and high-resolution lipidomics


Lipids are a large and highly diverse family of biomolecules, which play essential structural, storage and signalling roles in cells and tissues. Although traditional mass spectrometry (MS) approaches used in lipidomics are highly sensitive and selective, lipid analysis remains challenging due to the chemical diversity of lipid structures, multiple isobaric species and incomplete separation using many forms of chromatography. Ion mobility (IM) separates ions in the gas phase based on their physicochemical properties. Addition of IM to the traditional lipidomic workflow both enhances separation of complex lipid mixtures, beneficial for lipid identification, and improves isomer resolution. Herein, we discuss the recent developments in IM-MS for lipidomics.This work was supported by Agilent Technologies, Santa Clara, USA; and the Medical Research Council, UK (MC UP A90 1006 & MC PC 13030)

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