
Multimedia clip type: Quality of perception impact on users with and without hearing loss


This paper investigates how variance in multimedia video clip type affects quality of perception (QoP) for users ith and without hearing loss. QoP encompasses not only a user's satisfaction with the quality of a multimedia presentation (subjective), but also his or her ability to analyse, synthesise and assimilate its’ informational content objective). Results show that clip type has a significant impact on the level of deaf information assimilation. Results uggest that certain video content aids deaf information assimilation, for example: those with less textual content. However, it was found that audio / captioned information does not significantly impact user QoP, when Video-textual (VT) information was found to have a significant effect on both hearing and deaf QoP. A positive correlation was found between predicted level of information assimilation and level of enjoyment, independent of hearing level or clip type

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