The Egg Revealed


"Problem Solving" needs either a brief and summary appraisal or an extended one--too long for the space likely to be allotted. Written lucidly and persuasively, it demonstrates that Dr. Skinner can define and analyze a broad set of behaviors using a limited set of behavioral terms and concepts. Believers will find it convincing, even brilliant. Behaviorists who have worked on problem solving, who have observed their subjects carefully, and who have collected data analytically--especially those who have also labored to clarify the technical terminology of behaviorism operationally--will find it a good deal less than persuasive. Glib, superficial and misleading are more appropriate terms. Closely argued and exemplified points are followed by one liners, such as: "But to speak of the purpose of an act is simply to refer to its characteristic consequences." That cannot survive critical examination

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