Exploiting air cushion effects to optimise a superhydrophobic/hydrophilic patterned liquid ring sealed air bearing


© 2019 Elsevier Ltd A thrust bearing consisting of an air cushion formed within a liquid ring has been developed, which takes advantage of the Laplace pressure induced by the liquid/air surface tension. As forces induced by Laplace pressure and surface tension scales down much more slowly than gravity and inertial forces, such a bearing has great potential when scaled down to the micro-scale. The liquid ring between the rotor and the stator of the bearing is anchored there by alternating hydrophilic and superhydrophobic patterns. An important discovery is that the performance of this bearing is greatly enhanced by the sealed cushion of air within the ring. This air cushion and thin liquid ring arrangement mean that the solid/solid contact of the bearing is replaced by solid/air and solid/liquid contact which significantly reduces the friction and wear. The factors which affects the performance of the bearing have been studied both experimentally and numerically providing results that can be used to optimise the design of this new type of bearing.The project was funded by the CSC Imperial Scholarship (Grant no. 201700260048). The authors also acknowledge the support received by the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council via Professor Dini's Established Career Fellowship, EP/N025954/1

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