β1 Integrin Is Essential for Teratoma Growth and Angiogenesis


Teratomas are benign tumors that form after ectopic injection of embryonic stem (ES) cells into mice and contain derivatives of all primitive germ layers. To study the role of β1 integrin during teratoma formation, we compared teratomas induced by normal and β1-null ES cells. Injection of normal ES cells gave rise to large teratomas. In contrast, β1-null ES cells either did not grow or formed small teratomas with an average weight of <5% of that of normal teratomas. Histological analysis of β1-null teratomas revealed the presence of various differentiated cells, however, a much lower number of host-derived stromal cells than in normal teratomas. Fibronectin, collagen I, and nidogen were expressed but, in contrast to normal teratomas, diffusely deposited in β1-null teratomas. Basement membranes were present but with irregular shape and detached from the cell surface

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