Hydration interactions under nanoconfinement and bulk deformation of calcium carbonate: insight from molecular dynamics simulations


Calcium carbonate is an important compound in man-made cements as well as in cements used by several animals and bacteria to produce their skeletons and exoskeletons. The sedimentary layers of the Earth’s crust is rich in calcium carbonate, making it a globally abundant mineral being the main constituent in rocks such as limestone, marble and chalk. Animals and bacteria grow and tailor these materials in complex hierarchical structures for specific purposes, obtaining superior properties compared to man-made cements. Marine animals incorporate magnesium and macromolecules into their calcium carbonate skeletons to make them stiffer and increase fracture toughness. A deeper understanding of the processes of the formation, and the self-assembly of calcium carbonate in aqueous solutions, is the key to understand how we can target the final material properties of these materials. In this thesis, atomistic molecular dynamics simulations have been used to study the mechanical properties of magnesian calcites and the interactions between hydrated calcium carbonate surfaces at nanoconfinement conditions. The interactions between atomically smooth calcium carbonate surfaces in aqueous solutions at nanometer scale separations have been computed. The surface forces display characteristic oscillations due to the structuring of the water confined between the mineral surfaces, at surface separations < 1.3 nm. Adhesion between the surfaces is observed for surfaces in registry. It is demonstrated that the adhesion can be reduced or eliminated by shifting the surfaces out of registry. From the analysis of the surface forces, we derive the interaction potential per unit area as a function of surface-to-surface separation, which is used to obtain the force between two spherical calcite colloids via the Derjaguin approximation. We investigate the impact of surface roughness on the resulting intercolloidal potential. A large enough surface roughness is shown to eliminate the adhesive properties of calcium carbonate nanoparticles. The mechanical properties and the deformation response of magnesian calcites was studied using non-equilibrium molecular dynamics. The energy dissipation mechanisms in magnesian calcites depends on both the magnesium:calcium composition and the spatial distribution of these ions is the crystal lattice. By incorporating magnesium into magnesium-rich clusters, we show that calcium carbonate materials become stiffer than if the magnesium was evenly distributed.Open Acces

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