Distributed Ledger Technology and External Mandatory Reporting in Banking Industry


Uurimus käsitleb kõigile osapooltele aja- ja kuluefektiivsuse ning globaalselt illegaalsete ülekannete vähendamise saavutamise võimalusi, kasutades pankade kohustuslike raporteerimiste protsessis asjaomastele asutustele finantskuritegude ja piiriülese maksuinfo teavitamisel, hajustatud andmebaaside, sealhulgas plokiahela tehnoloogiat.This thesis gives an outline of the potentials to attain time and cost effectivity to all partakers by using distributed ledger technology, including blockchain, in the mandatory reporting process executed by credit institutions to relevant authorities regarding financial crime and cross-border tax reporting with globally effective diminishment of these illicit transfers

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