Addressing Devices in Mobile Networks


Mobiilterminalide arengust tingitud vhenenud energiakulu, sisseehitatud sensorite kasutusvimalus, suurenenud ttlusjudlus ja mlumaht vimaldavad mobiilide laialdase kasutuse erinevates domeenides nagu mobiilne sotsiaalvrgustik, mobiilne pilvandmettlus ja Internet of Things (IoT). Selleks, et antud seadmeid oleks vimalik edukalt informatsiooni pakkumise ja ttlemise vahenditena kasutada, on vaja identitseerimiseks ja adresseerimiseks lesandele kohaseid vahendeid, mis vimaldaksid ligipsu seadmetele ja teenustele ka vljaspool mobiilsidevrku. Enamuse ajast, kui kasutajad kasutavad Internetiga hendamiseks mobiilivrke, paiknevad kasutajate seadmed tulemride ja vrguaadressi translaatorite (NAT ehk Network Address Translator) taga, mis takistavad otsese henduse loomist. Kasutajate hendamist mobiilsetes vrkudes on aastaid phjalikult uuritud ja selle tulemusena on leitud mitmeid lahendusi. IP-aadress, mis on levinuim adresseerimise mehhanism Internetis, on htlasi laialdaselt kasutusel mobiilivrkudes (3G/4G), kuid sellel on omad piirangud: ajutine kttesaadavus, piiratud kasutus ainult mobiilioperaatorite vrkudes ja vrguaadresside tlkimine (NAT). Nende piirangute krvaldamiseks pakume vlja mned teistsugused lhenemised: Session Initiation Protocol (SIP), Rendezvous serveri toel toimiv UDP/TCP Hole Punching ja UDP/TCP Relaying. Neidsaab kasutada erinevate mobiilsidevrkude tpide puhul. Kesolevas magistrits ksitletakse praktilist paigaldust, testide tulemusi ja iga lhenemise nrku ning tugevaid klgi.The emergence of mobile terminals with enhanced features like high processing power, more memory, inbuilt sensors, low power consumption, etc. have led to their extensive usage in different domains like mobile social networking, mobile cloud and Internet of Things (IoT). However, to successfully utilize these devices as information providing/processing entities, we need proper means of identification and addressing, so that the devices and their offered data/services are accessible also from outside the mobile network. But most of the times, when the peers connecting to the internet through cellular networks, peer devices locate behind the common components like firewalls and Network Address Translators (NATs) that prevent establishing direct connections. Setting up connection between peers in mobile networks has been examined extensively over the years and there are several solutions one can conceive. However, the most popular and widely used addressing mechanism for internet, IP address, is also being extensively used in mobile data networks (3G/4G) but ends up with barriers like their temporarily availability, known only within the mobile operators network, Network Address Translation (NAT) etc. To address such kind of limitations we proposed few different approaches such as Session Initiation Protocol (SIP), UDP/TCP hole punching with help from the Rendezvous server and UDP/TCP Relaying those can be applied to different types of mobile networks. In this thesis we discuss practical implementation, test results and evaluation of strengths and limitations of each approach

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