
Wait-Free Concurrent Graph Objects with Dynamic Traversals


Graphs are versatile data structures that allow the implementation of a variety of applications, such as computer-aided design and manufacturing, video gaming, or scientific simulations. However, although data structures such as queues, stacks, and trees have been widely studied and implemented in the concurrent context, multi-process applications that rely on graphs still largely use a sequential implementation where accesses are synchronized through the use of global locks or partitioning, thus imposing serious performance bottlenecks. In this paper we introduce an innovative concurrent graph model that provides addition and removal of any edge of the graph, as well as atomic traversals of a part (or the entirety) of the graph. We further present Dense, a concurrent graph implementation that aims at mitigating the two aforementioned implementation drawbacks. Dense achieves wait-freedom by relying on helping and provides the inbuilt capability of performing a partial snapshot on a dynamically determined subset of the graph

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