
Constant Congestion Routing of Symmetric Demands in Planar Directed Graphs


We study the problem of routing symmetric demand pairs in planar digraphs. The input consists of a directed planar graph G = (V, E) and a collection of k source-destination pairs M = {s_1t_1, ..., s_kt_k}. The goal is to maximize the number of pairs that are routed along disjoint paths. A pair s_it_i is routed in the symmetric setting if there is a directed path connecting s_i to t_i and a directed path connecting t_i to s_i. In this paper we obtain a randomized poly-logarithmic approximation with constant congestion for this problem in planar digraphs. The main technical contribution is to show that a planar digraph with directed treewidth h contains a constant congestion crossbar of size Omega(h/polylog(h))

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