E-valimistest osavõtmise tegurid ja kogemus


Purpose of the study The purpose of the study was to examine the voting experience of Estonian e-voters during the local elections in fall 2005 and identify the profile of the e-voter. Specific research questions where as following: Q1: What is the level of political participation of the e-voter? Q2: What technical skills and opportunities do e-voters have? Q3: How do e-voters describe the current e-voting experience? Method Empirical data was gathered using the internet-based questionnaire. Questions were presented to the public during one week after the election day from October 17-23, 2005. Total number of e-voters who participated in current electronic elections was 9287. A selection of 324 answered the questionnaire. E-voters were invited to answer the questionnaire through the online advertising in the Estonian largest newspaper online edition and information letters were sent to eight large mailing lists including academic, governmental and private institutions. The social demographic profile of the selection reads as following: 15% represent a younger generation of e-voters aged 18-24; 46% aged 25-34; 54% live in Tallinn, the capital of Estonia, 22% in Tartu, the second biggest town in Estonia. 62% of the people who answered the questionnaire were male, 38% female. Personal income of 45% of the total selection exceeds 7000 EEK. 68% held a bachelor or higher degree. Key findings Despite the small number of e-voters, those who voted considered their e-voting experience positive and they would like to have an e-voting opportunity in future ballots. The risks associated with the credibility of the e-voting system predicted by many technical experts were not significant. On the contrary, the well deployed, tried and tested internet banking ensured a sufficient reliability and credibility rate to e-voters. It was also visible that the credibility rate that was given to the internet banking transformed into credibility rate of the state as a software developer. Since the experience was positive and the rate of credibility relatively high, the e-voter agrees to recommend e-voting to his friends and acts as reference partner to new e- voters. This situation allows the government to adopt methods of affiliate marketing in future electronic elections and this may increase the number of e-voters. If it has a short term impact on the general growth of voting activity is questionable. The level of political participation of e-voters is high. They are people with certain political preferences and they are convinced that voting is something not to be missed even despite the poor weather. Since the rate of political participation of the e-voter is high, it is questionable if e-voting affects general voting activity in the short-term. E- voting is rather an alternative to the traditional ballot and the main motive to participate in e-voting is convenience. However, we predict increasing voter turnout that proceeds from the growing number of e-services consumers and persistent governmental marketing of e-voting as an alternative and convenient mean to vote. E-voters are technically competent, skilful at using computers and e-services and they have excellent access to the internet. Contrary to our prediction, technological barriers (such as the installment of the ID-card reader) were marked as irrelevant. Moreover, there was a considerable number of people who purchased ID-card in order to participate in e-voting. E-voters expressed their satisfaction with the e-voting system

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