
Joseph Wright\u27s English Dialect Dictionary (1898-1905) Computerised: architecture and retrieval routine


The Innsbruck government-funded project SPEED (Spoken English in Early Dialects), scheduled for 2006 to 2009, has the aim of digitising and evaluating the famous English Dialect Dictionary by Joseph Wright (1898-1906). This paper topicalises the value of the electronic version of the dictionary and problems of its complex architecture, as well as the retrieval routine aimed at. The paper is an elaborated version of the Powerpoint presentation delivered at the conference. First of all, I try to prove the great value of Wright\u27s dictionary from the point of view of English studies. On the other hand, given the mixed nature of the participants of the Dagstuhl conference, the paper tackles interface problems typically arising when printed texts are computerised, problems ranging from "normalisation" to aspects of parsing and of the design of the query mask

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