
Soil productivity indices and soil properties of some major soil series of the Missouri Ozarks (1985)


This report presents a method for arriving at a productivity index (PI) for major soils of the Missouri Ozarks that are underlain by carbonate rocks. The PI model was developed by Kiniry, Scrivner and Keener (1983). It was explained and applied to soils of Missouri in University of Missouri Extension Circular 947 (EC947) entitled "Soil Productivity Indices and Soil Properties for Farm-Field Sites in Missouri" (Scrivner, Conkling and Koenig, 1985a). Soils of the Missouri Ozarks were not included in EC947 because the soils studied were in farm-fields of com or soybeans. Neither crop is grown extensively in the Missouri Ozarks.Introduction -- Major soil series of the Missouri Ozarks -- Methods for estimating soil properties. Estimates of PAWC ; estimates of pHs ; Profiles of pHs for typic subgroubs of Fragiudalfs, Fragiudults and Paleudults ; Profiles of pHs and depth to carbonate rock ; Profiles of pHs for mollic subgroups of Fragiudalfs ; Estimates of Soil bulk density ; Profiles of density for Fragiudalfs and Fragiudults ; Profiles of density for Paleudults and Paleudalfs ; Profiles of density in soils with carbonate rock at depths between 10 and 200 cm -- Productivity indices for 22 soil series of the Missouri Ozarks. PI's and yields -- Possible interpretations from the 44 PI figures -- Summar

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