Changing the computer-patient-physician relationship : a qualitative evaluation of 30-inch computer screens in family medicine exam rooms


The electronic health record (EHR) and use of computers in today's exam rooms is a dramatic change in medicine from decades past. There are concerns about how the computer and EHR might adversely affect patient-provider interaction and that it may be detrimental to PCC. Patient-centered care (PCC) promotes active involvement of the patient in their medical care. Several positive outcomes have been associated with PCC, including: better emotional health, improved symptom burden, improved recovery, and fewer diagnostic tests and referrals both at the time of the visit and in the subsequent 2 months. PCC can therefore help to decrease medical expenditures while improving patient outcomes and satisfaction. It has been proposed that certain exam room and computer configurations combined with uses of the EHR may enhance PCC. If we can better determine how different types of computers affect this interaction, it would help suggest improvements for increasing PCC, thus gaining the aforementioned benefits of decreased cost and improved health outcomes

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