
An Overview of Highway Funding In Missouri

Abstract in 1913, the Missouri Department of Transportation (MoDOT) is responsible for all modes of transportation including air, rail, water, and mass transit, as well as highway transportation. Unlike most other Missouri departments, the director of MoDOT is not appointed by the Governor. Rather, a group of six commissioners, appointed by the Governor and approved by the Senate, hire the director. The director then manages the day to day operations of the more than 6,650 full-time-equivalent employees. This report focuses on highway transportation, the largest, most controversial and most important of the department's transportation functions. The report provides a historical context for highway development and maintenance, an overview of the issues currently facing MoDOT and of the current funding mechanisms, a brief comparison of Missouri's highway funding rates with those of other states, and a description of the ways the revenues are distributed.Includes bibliographical referece

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