
What is the best treatment for infants with colic?


Infantile colic, defined as excessive crying in an otherwise healthy baby, is a distressing phenomenon, but there is little evidence to support the many treatments offered. Several small studies report some benefit from use of a hypoallergenic (protein hydrolysate) formula, maternal diet adjustment (focusing on a low-allergen diet), and reduced stimulation of the infant. While dicyclomine has been shown to be effective for colic, there are significant concerns about its safety, and the manufacturer has contraindicated its use in this population. An herbal tea containing chamomile, vervain, licorice, fennel, and balm-mint was also effective in a small RCT, but the volume necessary for treatment limits its usefulness (strength of recommendation: B, inconsistent or limited-quality patient-oriented evidence). The one proven treatment is time, as this behavior tends to dissipate by 6 months of age

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