
Survey on vocal fatigue in classroom teachers: Profile based on teaching level [abstract]


Abstract only availableVoice production is a complex task involving coordination of several systems in our body. Voice plays a crucial role in speech production. Without voice, speech will be inaudible. Voice problems hinder communication significantly. The consequence of voice problems in daily living depends on patients' lifestyle and profession. Professional voice users are those who use their voice for earning a living. This group includes teachers, sales persons, attorneys, singers, actors etc. It is obvious that the effect of voice problem will be significantly greater in professional voice users than a librarian or clerk who do not involve in active voice production during work. Among professional voice users, teachers are considered to be at high risk for voice problems. Their schedule at work, duration and extent of voice use, and lack of knowledge about vocal hygiene can worsen the condition. Voice problems in teachers can affect their teaching efficiency and also risk their job. The goal of this survey is to identify classroom teachers in Columbia, Missouri having voice problems, increase awareness among teachers about vocal hygiene, and the role of speech language pathologists in helping patients with voice problems. This project will also try to identify any specific group among teachers (kindergarten, elementary, high school, and college level) who are prone to voice problems or at vocal risk. This project will help increase awareness among teachers about vocal hygiene that can help improve vocal efficiency and prevent voice problems.National Institutes of Healt

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