
On Two Saigo’s Fractional Integral Operators in the Class of Univalent Functions


2000 Mathematics Subject Classification: Primary 26A33, 30C45; Secondary 33A35Recently, many papers in the theory of univalent functions have been devoted to mapping and characterization properties of various linear integral or integro-differential operators in the class S (of normalized analytic and univalent functions in the open unit disk U), and in its subclasses (as the classes S∗ of the starlike functions and K of the convex functions in U). Among these operators, two operators introduced by Saigo, one involving the Gauss hypergeometric function, and the other - the Appell (or Horn) F3-function, are rather popular. Here we view on these Saigo’s operators as cases of generalized fractional integration operators, and show that the techniques of the generalized fractional calculus and special functions are helpful to obtain explicit sufficient conditions that guarantee mappings as: S → S and K → S, that is, preserving the univalency of functions.* Partially supported by National Science Fund (Bulg. Ministry of Educ. and Sci.) under Project MM 1305

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