Agenda for transnational co-operation on energy efficiency in agriculture.


This report describes the stakeholder process set up by the AGREE project, to produce an Agenda for Transnational Cooperation in R&D on the topic of energy efficiency in agriculture. In six of the partner countries, represting a wide variety of agro-climatic conditions, stakeholders from across the value chain and representing the enabling environment, came together to discuss and identify opportunities and bottlenecks for an energy efficient agriculture for the future. The resulting lists were analysed and clustered to produce nine potential topics for energy efficiency R&D in EU agriculture. In a transnational meeting with representatives from each of the participating countries, as well as from the External Advisory Board, R&D themes were identified and prioritised to produce a list of eleven R&D areas: 1. Sensor technology 2. Agro-residue valorisation 3. Operational groups (energy efficiency networks) 4. Integrative solutions 5. Socio-economic scenarios research 6. Definitions and data exchange 7. Decision Support System (DSS) tools for farmers 8. Design tools 9. Local food strategies 10.Soil and water management 11.Farm machinery In this report the above mentioned areas are explained and described and finally suggestions for the potential embedding of each of the items is discussed

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