Hialine Project: allergen release from pollen across Europe


ln general it has been observed similar profiles lor airborne pollen and aeroallergens content in the air, being aeroal/ergens more associated to XL Iraction stage. On the olher hand, ii has been delected al/ergenic activity out Irom pol/en season, especiaily in the case 01 M stage. Smaller particles are more exposed to medium-Iong distant transporto Moreover, results have provides strong evidence that similar value 01 airbome pol/en evokes different ambient air allergen loads in different geographicai areas. Even more, when lhe same area is considered the allergen load of the pol/en can vary within lhe season. Pollen differs in allergen release between European countries. Our sludy suoports lhe importance 01 lhe aeroal/ergen quantificatlon logether wilh airborne pol/en counls, in order to define the ouldoor air allergenic load. Conclusions: Under these results, the expected outcomes are lhe implementation 01 a network of European outdoor allergen measurements to belter predict allergic symploms. Also lhe climafic lactors that govem allergen exposure in ouldoor air will be eslablished. These can be used lo calculate the effect 01 climate change on lhe health effecls 01 airborne al/ergens. Pol/eninlo.org offers a new 1001 on Patient's Hayfever Diary (PHD)

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