
Wasn\u27t it a Party?


My brother said it\u27s just withdrawal from the ecstasy. It\u27s such a high, he told me, that a normal low is so far down it\u27s like jumping off a building. Just don\u27t do it too often,he said. You might rewire your brain and your normal will never be the same again. He told me this while he helped me look for the stolen painting last weekend. When I told my landlord the painting from the second floor stairwell was ripped off the wall at a party my roommate Sandra and I had thrown, I\u27d steeled myself to hear it was irreplaceable. But he told me he thought he\u27d bought the print from a vendor outside the Met, and if I wanted to make things right, I would find a copy, buy it, hang it, and we would pretend the whole thing never happened. I\u27m relieved that at least this one problem might have a solution, so this is my second weekend getting off the subway at 86th and Lex and hiking my way over to the Met in search of a replacement for the stolen print

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