Phonetic and phonological change in present-day Galician


Neste traballo preséntanse as descricións dalgúns cambios fonéticos e fonolóxicos que, segundo os datos dispoñibles, se produciron e se están a producir no galego tradicional (transmitido de pais a fillos) nos últimos tempos. Entre eles están cambios que afectan ao vocalismo pretónico, cambios na realización da gheada e do seseo, ou cambios na estrutura da sílaba. Algúns son cambios espontáneos, outros dirixidos desde as instancias promotoras do galego estándar, e outros poden estar motivados por interferencia do español.[EN] This paper focuses on certain recent phonetic and phonological changes which available data suggest have occurred or are currently taking place in traditional Galician (i.e. as transmitted from parents to their children), including the development of pretonic vowels, loss of the lateral [], alterations in the realization of the dialectal phenomena known as gheada and seseo, and changes in syllable structure. Some of these changes are spontaneous and some are due to the influence of institutions promoting standard Galician, while others may result from Spanish interference

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