
Work and Art: Artistic Contracts of Silverware in the 18 th - 19 th centuries


[Resumo] Con este estudo queremos contribuír a un maior coñecemento de como as relacións xurídico-laborais están presentes desde antigo a través dos contratos artísticos de aprendizaxe na ordenación do traballo e nos contratos das obras na arte da prataría dos ss. XVIII-XIX. De igual maneira buscamos achegarnos á consideración social do traballo dos artistas representado en miniaturas, gravados ou pinturas.[Abstract] With this study we want to contribute to a better understanding of how relations under employment law are present since ancient times through artistic learning contracts in the work organization and in the work contracts in the art of silverware during the 18th-19th centuries. In the same way, we seek to explore the social consideration of the work of artists represented in miniatures, engravings or paintings

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