
The paper of the new technologies in the learning of the reading and writing


[Resume] O que se pretende realizar neste traballo é elaborar o perfil e o protocolo de aplicación estandarizada para nenos de 3 e 4 anos dunha proba estandarizada como é o LolEva, tanto na linguaxe oral como na linguaxe escrita: avaliación. Realizarase un estudo a nenos e nenas comprendidos nesas idades, para así poder elaboralo protocolo. Pasaránselle diversas subprobas do propio test, e deberase establecer diferentes criterios e cambios en comparación con nenos máis maiores. Neste estudo comezarase definindo o significado da conciencia fonolóxica e presentando as investigacións máis relevantes ao respecto. Logo detallarase o modo no que se produce o seu desenrolo e cómo se relaciona con outros procesos cognitivos. Seguirase con unha presentación das probas dispoñibles para realizar a súa avaliación nestes niveis educativos, será aquí onde se presentarán as características do LolEva. Para rematar, presentaranse os resultados dun estudio realizado con nenos e nenas de 3 e 4 anos, e as conclusións ás que se poden chegar para adaptar o instrumento ao nivel cognitivo e lingüístico dos nenos e nenas desta idade.[Abstract] What is tried to realize in this work is to elaborate a profile and protocol of application standardized for 3 and 4 years old children of a test standardized since it is the LoLEva, both in the oral language and in the written language. A study will be realized to children including in these ages, in order to develop the protocol. It will pass diverse subtests of the own test, and different criteria and changes will have to be established in comparison with more major children. In this study starts by being defined the meaning of the phonological conscience and presenting the most relevant investigations in the matter. Then the way will be detailed in the one that produces his development to himself and how it relates to other cognitive processes. It will follow with a presentation of the available tests to realize his evaluation in these educational levels, will be here where they will present the characteristics of the LolEva. To finish, they will present the results of a study realized with 3 and 4 years old children, and the conclusions to those who can come near to adapt the instrument to the cognitive and linguistic level of this age childrenTraballo fin de grao (UDC.EDU). Logopedia. Curso 2012/1

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