[Resumo] Os anos 1975 e 1976 foron claves na construcción dunha alternativa ós plane-
amentos políticos da Ditadura en canto á educación se refire, xa que nese momento coin-
ciden os intereses e demandas de diversos colectivos relacionados co ensino como os
movementos de ensinantes, as mobilizacións cidadáns e de veciños e determinados sec-
tores políticos comprometidos coa loita antifranquista.[Abstract] 1975 and 1976 were key years in the construction of an alternative to the poli-
tical plans of the Dictatorship in terms of education. At that time the interests and demands
of differnent communities related to education -such as the movements of educators- coin-
cided with the mobilisation of citizens and residents as well as certain political sectors com-
mitted to bringing down Franco’s dictatorship