
A Historia da educación en tempos posmodernos


[Resumo] O modelo da historia social está sendo cuestionado nas últimas décadas, coin- cidindo coa crise que experimentaron algúns dos seus referentes ideolóxicos e coa emer- xencia do denominado pensamento posmoderno. Fronte a este modelo, que algúns consi- deran esgotado, proponse outro caracterizado como cultural. Este mesmo cambio —ou pro- posta de cambio— tamén se observa no campo educativo: a “vella” historia social da edu- cacion debe deixar paso a unha “nova” historia cultural da educación.[Abstract] The social history model has been questioned in recent decades and this coin- cides with the crisis being experienced by some of its ideological references as well as with the emergence of what has been termed post-modern thought. As an alternative to this model, which some consider to have run its course, this article proposes another model, which may be characterised as cultural. This very change -or rather proposal for change- has also been seen in the field of education: the “old” social history of education must get out of the way and make room for a “new” cultural history of education

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