
A medición do tempo de traballo (remunerado e sen remunerar) da muller no sistema de contas nacional


[Resumo] Este traballo trata sobre o tempo que a muller dedica ao traballo, o cal ha de ser medido baixo principios de igualdade entre homes e mulleres. Estúdanse os indicadores para medir o tempo de traballo, dos cales o máis frecuente é a participación na forza laboral, o número de mulleres e homes economicamente activos. Esta medición lévase a cabo a través do sistema de contas nacionais, segundo as cales a actividade económica inclúe todo traballo dentro dos limites de produción. Neste traballo sinálase que até agora non se incluíu dentro delas o traballo da muller en determinadas actividades e que debería ser integrado como medida para paliar a pobreza e conseguir maiores cotas de igualdade.[Abstract] This work deals with the time that the woman devotes to work which has to be measured under principles of equality between men and women. In this study we examine the indicators used to measure the time of work. As the most frequent indicator in the participation in the labour trength is the number of women and men economically active. This measurement is carried out through the system of national accounts according to which the economic activity includes all work inside the limit of production. In this work we show that until the present the work of the woman in specific activities has not been included and that this should be integrated as a means of mitigating poverty and achieving a greater degree of equalit

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