Nutritional management of older adults with gastrointestinal cancers: An International Society of Geriatric Oncology (SIOG) review paper


Available online 1 February 2018Malnutrition is one of the most common physical manifestations of gastrointestinal (GI) cancers and is often under-diagnosed and under-treated. Like cancers, malnutrition occurs more commonly in older adults, with potential negative consequences to quality of life, functional status, tolerance to treatment, and prognosis. Nutritional assessment and management require a proactive and systematic, multi-disciplinary approach. Early assessment, detection, and prompt intervention of cancer-associated malnutrition and cachexia are equally essential to achieve better quality nutritional care for older oncology patients. This article aims to provide an overview of the evidence associated with poor nutrition and outcomes in older adults with GI cancers, and recommends a management approach from a geriatric oncologist's perspective.Anna Rachelle Mislang, Samantha Di Donato, Joleen Hubbard, Lalit Krishna, Giuseppe Mottino, Federico Bozzetti, Laura Biganzol

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