
Children bereaved by suicide: evaluation of a group intervention


1. This report describes a longitudinal evaluation of a therapeutic groupwork intervention for children aged 8-12 years bereaved by the suicide of a parent or relative, offered through the Daughters of Charity Child & Family Service. In 2001, a steering group on suicide prevention was established by the Northern Area Health Board. A primary recommendation of the group was that a specialist service for children bereaved by suicide should be established as an urgent priority. 2. Empirical evidence now strongly indicates that parental suicide is a risk factor for offspring mental health difficulties and even suicide. Research findings suggest that suicide bereaved children were more likely to experience anger and shame and less acceptance of the death, one year after bereavement than non-suicide bereaved children. Age at bereavement by suicide is emerging as a significant predictor of later emotional and behavioural problems as recent research findings show that parental suicide affects children more profoundly than young adults (Wilcox et al, 2010; Sørensen et al., 2009) … 8. Four years on, some of the former group participants have taken leadership roles in their schools by working with teachers and mental health professionals to set up projects or organise talks on suicide, suicide bereavement and suicide prevention. Thus the project has had an unanticipated multiplier effect in reaching children affected by suicide

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