
Beyond Wikipedia and Google: Web-based literacies and student learning


The Educause Horizon Report ( argues that while web-based tools are rapidly becoming standard in education and in the workplace and technologically mediated communication is the norm, fluency in information, visual, and technological literacy is not formally taught to most students. In the light of this we need new and expanded definitions and paradigms of academic digital literacy that are based on mastering underlying concepts of critical thinking and enhancing these paradigms within the digital environment. This chapter attempts to test the assumption that entrants to the humanities (in this case art history) are information or data literate. This is an assumption often made yet it largely goes unchallenged. This study reflects on the strengths and weaknesses of a series of information literacy workshops currently being delivered in History of Art, University College Cork ( The use of dynamic web tools, like audio and video podcasts, has given dyslexic students attending the workshops alternative entry points to learning

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