
Additions to the marine molluscs of the Formigas Islets, Azores.


A fauna malacológica dos ilhéus das Formigas foi abordada por Ávila & Azevedo (1997). A presente lista vem completar e corrigir aquele documento. Seis novos taxa são dados para os Açores: Vitreolina curva (Monterosato, 1874), Nassarius cf. ovoideus (Locard, 1886), Mangelia coarctata (Forbes, 1840), Raphitoma leufroyi (Michaud,1838), Coryphela sp. and Pseudochama gryphina (Lamarck, 1819). O número total de moluscos marinhos das águas pouco profundas dos ilhéus das Formigas ascende agora a 88 taxa (1 Polyplacophora, 66 Gastropoda, 20 Bivalvia e 1 Cephalopoda).ABSTRACT: The Formigas islets were surveyed for its molluscan fauna in 1990 during the "Santa Maria & Formigas 1990" scientific expedition. Preliminary results were published by Avila & Azevedo (1997). That earlier list is here complemented with new records and some corrections. Species determination, synonymy and the ordination of families follows the CLEMAM database ( Six new taxa are reported to the Azores: Vitreolina curva (Monterosato, 1874), Nassarius cf. ovoideus (Locard, 1886), Mangelia coarctata (Forbes, 1840), Raphitoma leufroyi (Michaud,1838), Coryphela sp. and Pseudochama gryphina (Lamarck, 1819). The total number of shallow-water marine molluscs from Formigas islets is now of 88 taxa (1 Polyplacophora, 66 Gastropoda, 20 Bivalvia and 1 Cephalopoda)

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