
Acoetidae (Annelida, Polychaeta) from the Iberian Peninsula, Madeira and Canary islands, with description of a new species


Six species of acoetid polychaetes are reported from the Iberian Peninsula and Macaronesia: Euarche tubifex Ehlers, 1887, Euarche cristata Núñez, n. sp., Eupanthalis kinbergi McIntosh, 1876, Eupolyodontes gulo (Grube, 1855), Polyodontes maxillosus (Ranzani, 1817), and Panthalis oerstedi (Kinberg, 1856). Material was collected during several sublittoral benthic surveys. Descriptions, figures, and a key for the six species are included. The new species Euarche cristata is characterized by its prostomium with cristate or serrated posterior margin

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