
Efeitos do destreinamento e retreinamento com pesos nas variáveis neuromusculares e na capacidade funcional de idosos


Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro de Desportos, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Educação Física, Florianópolis, 2016.O objetivo do presente estudo foi analisar os efeitos após destreinamento e retreinamento com pesos nas variáveis neuromusculares e desempenho funcional em um grupo de idosos. O grupo experimental contou com 10 participantes (sete mulheres e três homens) com idade de 64 ± 2,35 anos, massa corporal de 71,60 ± 9,22 kg, estatura de 162,16 ± 9,74 cm e indíce de massa corporal de 27,19 ± 5,32 kg/m². Foram realizadas avaliações de força, (1-RM no Leg Press 45º, avaliações isocinéticas e isométricas) e avaliações funcionais (sentar e levantar, levantar e caminhar 3 m e subir e descer escadas). O grupo foi avaliado no período pré treinamento (controle), após o período de treinamento de 12 semanas e destreinamento (16 semanas) e após o perido de retreinamento (8 semanas). Os valores de 1-RM após o período de destreinamento foram superiores ao período pré-treinamento (controle) (147 ± 43 kg vs 170 ± 27 kg; p0,05; ES: -0,18). Ocorreu aumento no pico de torque (PT) concêntrico de flexores de joelho entre os períodos de treinamento e retreinamento (81 ± 30 vs 110 ± 32 N·m, respectivamente; pAbstract : The aim of this study was to analyze neuromuscular and functional capacity (FC) in elderly after detraining and retraining of strength training. Experimental group had 10 participants (seven women and three men, aged 64 ± 2.35 years, body mass 71.60 ± 9.22 kg kg, height 162.16 ± 9.74 cm, and body mass index 27.19 ± 5.32 kg/m²). Evaluations protocols were divided into two types, strength evaluations (1-RM at Leg Press 45º, dynamic isokinetic, and isometric) and functional capacity tests (30-s chair stand, timed up and go, upstairs and down stairs test). These evaluations were made pre training, post training (12 week), post detraining (16 week) and at the end of retraining (8 week). Values after detraining period were superior to pre training period (146.7 ± 43.1 kg vs 170 ± 26,6 kg; p<0,001; effect size [ES]: 0,75), however significant losses were observed at 1-RM in Leg press 45º after detraining period (200.7 ± 40.5 vs 170 ± 26.6 kg; respectively p<0.001; ES: -0.75). After retraining period increases ocurred in relation to post detraining (193 ± 30.5 kg; ES: 0.86) and after training to end of retraining no differences were found (200.7 ± 40.5 vs 193 ± 30.5 kg; ES: -0.18). It was observed an increase in concentric peak torque (PT) of knee flexors comparing training period and end of retraining (80.7 ± 29.7 vs 110.2 ± 31.7 ES: 0.99), also same was observed when compared retraining, and control period (74.7 ± 25 N·m; p<0.05 ES: 0.74). An increase in concentric PT knee extensors at 60º·s-1 and concentric PT from knee extensors and flexors at 240º·s-1 between weeks 16 and 24. Absolute rate of force development (RFD) increased in 0 ? 200 interval between control period and retraining (464 ± 170 vs 575 ± 217 N·m·s-1; p<0.05: 0.14 ES: 0.65). An increase occurred in number of repetitions of chair stand test between control period and retraining (14.7 ± 2.7 vs 19 ± 2.5 ES: 1.66), and between detraining and retraining periods (15.8 ± 3.3 vs 19 ± 2.5 ES: 1.23). Also an increase in time were found for timed up and go test from the end of the training to detraining (4.4 ± 0.8 vs 5.1 ± 0.5 s, ES: 1.28). For climbing stairs test were found differences between control and detraining period (3.7 ± 0.9 vs 3.0 ± 0.4 s, ES: -1.8) and control to retraining (3.7 ± 0.9 vs 2.8 ± 0.5 s, ES: -1.6). Downstairs test the volunteers reduced their time to complete the task when compared with control period (3.4 ± 0.9 vs 2.7 ± 0.5 s, ES: -0.74). Based on results of present study, periodized resistance training did not promote a complete maintenance of neuromuscular variables, because the 1-RM values after detraining were below training period. In addition PT values of knee extensors and flexors, PT isometric and RFD didn`t change after training therefore no losses were found after detraining period. Resistance periodized training promote a maintenance of FC of chair stand, upstairs and down stairs test, however timed up and go test were reduced to control period level. In conclusion, a periodized retraining of eigth weeks can promote gains in 1-RM to values above control and similar to post training. Furthermore retraining can promote an increase in PT concentric and eccentric of knee flexors and performance in functional test of chair stand

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