
The Flow Permanence Index: A Statistical Assessment of Flow Regime in Austin Streams


The report makes two explicit mentions of Waller Creek, briefly mentioning flow patterns and how they are highest near its mouth. In addition, the report contains valuable information concerning the importance of baseflow in the sustainability of a creek ecosystem.Flow permanence or the reliability of baseflow in a stream is an important metric in determining the potential of local streams to support aquatic life and can be used to provide an indication of future ecological changes. This report looks at quantifying the probabilities associated with permanent flow at all streams monitored for the City of Austin Environmental Integrity Index. Spatial patterns in flow permanence were examined, as well as the contributions of rainfall to flow permanence. Among the principal results is an index and ranking of streams with the most and least consistently flowing monitoring sites and a heuristic to calculate the probability of flow in a stream given the cumulative rainfall in the previous three months.Waller Creek Working Grou

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