
Hydrologic Data for Urban Studies in The Austin, Texas, Metropolitan Area, 1982


The technical report mentions Waller Creek as a main stream in the study area, but a preliminary search provides no results to specific data from the site.Hydrologic investigations of urban watersheds in Texas were begun by the U.S. Geological Survey in 1954. Studies are now in progress in Austin, and Houston. Studies have been completed in the Dallas, Fort Worth, and San Antonio areas. The Geological Survey, in cooperation with the Texas Department of Water Resources, began hydrologic studies in the Austin urban area in 1954. In cooperation with the city of Austin, the program was expanded in 1975 to include additional streamflow and rainfall gaging stations, and the collection of surface water-quality data. In 1978, the program was expanded to include a ground-water resources study of the South Austin metropolitan area in the Balcones Fault Zone.Waller Creek Working Grou

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