
Ritual prescriptions on women’s sexual impurities. Functional coincidences between some Greek Sacred Laws and Septuagint Lv 12 & 15:18-33 (2nd part)


Se estudian y se comparan varias leyes sagradas que consideraban impuras las relaciones sexuales, en particular para la mujer, quien, además, por su sola condición de madre, era considerada más impura que el hombre. La mujer que menstrua, que está embarazada, que pare o acaba de ser madre adquiere, por tales razones, la etiqueta religiosa de “impura”, tanto en las leyes hebraicas (Levítico 12 y 15) como en numerosas Leyes Sagradas griegas, relativas a distintos dioses, templos o ciudades.In this paper we offer a study and comparison between some old religious laws which reknowned sexual interrelation as something unclean. Woman, in addition to this and by the simple fact of being mother, was considered uncleaner than man. Menstruation, pregnancy, delivery and the state post partum make woman impure according to Hebrew laws (Leviticus 12 and 15) as well as to many other Greek Sacred Laws and rules concerning different gods, temples and cities

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