
Проаналізовано металургійні виробництва, які характеризуються утворенням великої кількості відходів. Більшість з них за змістом корисних компонентів конкурентоспроможні первинною сировиною та можуть бути використані в технологічних процесах. Тому доцільне розроблення системи контролю за утворенням відходів металургійних виробництв задля забезпечення використання їх у поточних виробничих процесах. Організація цього процесу дозволить вирішити екологічні проблеми, зменшити собівартість продукції, знизити споживання мінерально-сировинних ресурсів.Sammary. Different metallurgical industries, which are characterized by formation of a large amount of wastes have been analysed. Most of them within the meaning of useful components are competitive in raw materials and can be used in technological processes, so it is advisable to develop a control system for the formation of wastes of metallurgical industries to ensure their use in current manufacturing processes. The content of iron in the solid phase of secondary clarifiers sludge in metallurgical industries reaches 70%, but sludge contains 30% of water-oil content, that makes it difficult to transport, store and utilize. Typically, wastes of metallurgical and metal processing industries in percents are as follows: slag – 57 - 63; mineral wastes (scrap refractories and input components) - 4 - 6; scrap metal - 15 - 17; dust, sludge, sinter wastes - 9 - 13; others - 2 - 4. Thus, for example, specific output of sludge in productions of Ukraine is 60-80 kg/t of steel, in Europe this index is 30 kg/t. Metallurgical enterprises of Ukraine have accumulated 240 million tons of slag, 128 million tons of which are steel-smelting. A significant amount of sludge in wastes of metallurgical and metal processing industries contain from 45% to 52% of iron, 6,0-9,5% of carbon with a small amount of zinc (0,5-4%). This raw material can be used in the agglomeration and in converter steel production. However, 90% of wastes after various metallurgical processes are put together in same sludge storages where they are stored. A storage of sludge, steel and metal processing wastes of productions leads to the fact that richer for the mass fraction of iron sludge depletes due a contact with less rich with iron sludge. Another disadvantage is environmental. The paradox of the situation is that we create a man-made iron-containing materials, in which the mass fraction of iron exceeds its concentration in the rich iron ore which we take from the depths (56-60%), and glandular concentrates which we get on concentrators (65-68%). Organization of the process of waste monitoring will solve environmental problems, reduce production costs, reduce the consumption of mineral-raw resources

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