
Structural synthesis of screw separators by morphological analysis with hierarchic grouping


Наведено нові конструкції гвинтових сепараторів для калібрування матеріалів і змішування сумішей, які згенеровані на основі методу морфологічного аналізу з ієрархічним групуванням. Серед різних варіантів синтезованих конструкцій гвинтових сепараторів для калібрування матеріалів і змішування сумішей шляхом експертного оцінювання обрано п’ять, що мають покращені експлуатаційні характеристики.To find new ideas for creation of advanced construction of screw separators (SS) it is worthy taking advantage of the know method of morphological analysis, which makes possible to obtain the total number of solutions and its modified option: the method of the hierarchic groups synthesis using morphological analysis, which results in carrying out the alternatives generation on some hierarchic levels or within some construction parts, starting from the higher ones, which provides obtaining the most reasonable construction solution while saving forces and time expenses. As the result of the carried out analysis of different factors effect on the (SS) materials separation by the structural-scheme synthesis using morphological analysis the limited number of its component elements and links between them, which are of the construction character, have been found, basing on which the morphological matrix y, has been compilated. The following main morphological characteristics have been chosen: drive, vibration clutch, screw operating member (SOM), loading mechanism, separator location, and unloading mechanism. The composition of the morphological table can be broadened due to new alternatives of each characteristic as well as due to some additional ones. But this option of the morphological model was obtained due to the marking out functionally important elements in order to simplify the model, wich will result in minimizing of the generated options number. The method proposes to break up general task into partial ones and to search for the rational solution in the partial areas of search with their further compiling. Thus, those construction elements of the mechanical, system, which affect spontaneously the quality and productivity of the technological process operation (elements of the first level) can be considered those of the first hierarchic level. The second hierarchic level, are the construction elements, which help realize the functions of the relevant, mechanical system and affect indirectly on the technological process operation (elements of the second level). The third hierarchic level construction elements are those, which are necessary for the operation of the mechanical system, but do not affect the realization of the technological process (elements of the third level)

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