
Geometrical parametres of the adaptive unit for industrial robots’ gripper calculation


Виконано аналіз конструктивних особливостей вузла адаптації схвата промислового робота. У результаті аналізу виявлено ряд залежностей геометричних параметрів конструктивних елементів компенсаторів кутових похибок від величин похибок позиціонування схватів промислових роботів. Наведено аналітичні вирази для розрахунку вказаних конструктивних параметрів.The need to carry out investigations on the raise of accuracy and decrease of negative after-effect of pose error for the principal and auxiliary technical equipment is caused by the availability of errors in the robotized installation. One of the possible methods for negative influence decrease arising in the robotized technological service of facilities, which is industrial robots gripper adaptation, is considered in the article. Industrial robots’ gripper adaptation expects to apply additional facilities, so-called “Industrial Robots’ Adaptive Unit”. Compliance of the Adaptive Unit for Industrial Robots’ Grippers compensative element is achieved due to using of compensative spring elements, which are included into the compliant mechanisms construction. Using of the linear and angular errors compensator in the Adaptive Unit for Industrial Robots’ Grippers allows to overcome negative force-torque influence which arises at the moment of handling object fixing in the working position device. In the article the analysis of the constructive peculiarities of the Adaptive Unit for Industrial Robots’ Grippers has been carried out. As the analysis result dependencies of the angular error compensator constructive elements geometrical parameters on the industrial robots pose errors have been found. The analytical expressions for calculation of the mentioned construction parameters of the Adaptive Unit for Industrial Robots’ Grippers have been presented. Analytical dependences, which are connected with the geometric parameters of the Adaptive Unit for Industrial Robots’ Grippers constructive elements and take into account the length of handling object and distance of industrial robots’ grippers pole from the left end face of the handling object in its coordinate system, have been found. The obtained results make possible to calculate and choose the Adaptive Unit for Industrial Robots’ Grippers, which is necessary for certain conditions of mechanical assembly manufacturing

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