: AR stabilization in a novel murine Sertoli cell line


Mature Sertoli cells (SC) are critical mediators of androgen regulation of spermatogenesis, via the androgen receptor (AR) signaling. Available immortalized SC lines loose AR expression or androgen responsiveness, hampering the study of endogenous AR regulation in SC. We have established and characterized a novel clonal mouse immortalized SC line, ST38c. These cells express some SC specific genes (sox9, wt1, tjp1, clu, abp, inhbb), but not fshr, yet more importantly, maintain substantial expression of endogenous AR as determined by PCR, immunocytochemistry, testosterone binding assays and Western blots. Microarrays allowed identification of some (146) but not all (rhox5, spinlw1), androgen-dependent, SC expressed target genes. Quantitative Real-Time PCR validated regulation of five up-regulated and two down-regulated genes. We show that AR undergoes androgen-dependent transcriptional activation as well as agonist-dependent posttranslational stabilization in ST38c cells. This cell line constitutes a useful experimental tool for future investigations on the molecular and cellular mechanisms of androgen receptor signaling in SC function

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