A daylight fireball was witnessed all over
Spain in the afternoon of May 10, 2007. Several pictures of the
fireball’s train taken from different locations in Spain, and eyewitnesses
reports allowed the determination of its trajectory and
range of orbital solutions. The progenitor meteoroid was in an
Apollo-type orbit, with low inclination and perihelion distance
just below 1 Astronomical Unit [1]. The meteorite was recovered
a few weeks after its fall, and presented to the community in the
Meteoroids 2007 conference of Barcelona in June 2007 [2]. A
detailed characterization of Puerto Lápice meteorite revealed its
eucritic and brecciated nature [3]. Oxygen isotopes also confirmed
that it belongs to the HED suite, the main group of basaltic
eucrites [3]. The meteorite probably suffered a complex shock
history as reveals the presence of abundant shock veins that evidence
at least three different shock events