
Neotectonic in northern Galicia: Reverse faults with quaternary activity in the fluvial basin of Alfoz (Lugo)


In the weathered depression developed on the A Toxiza variscan granite (northern Galicia) two high angle reverse faults have been located putting the granitic basement over pleistocene fluvial deposits. Several inferred folds are probably related to these NW-SE faults. The location of another reverse fault affecting the granite basement fur ther to the NW allow us to correlate all these faults with a major fault system of NWSE strike known for its recent seismogenic activity in the cantabrian domain. Our results on the analysis of the faults establish an important reverse component in contrast with the normal component calculated for the NW-SE faults of nothern Galicia from seismic data and fault population analysis in previous work

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