
A 2012 taurid bolide imaged in the framework of the Spanish fireball network


In 2010 the Spanish Meteor Net- work (SPMN) started a special program to obtain very precise orbital information on 2P/Encke meteoroids that is currently the focus of the author master thesis [1, 2]. The orbital similitude is a clear evidence on the connection between comets and meteor streams. The continuous sublimation of the ice-rich regions in cometary nuclei produces outgassing capable to re- lease cm to m-sized particles from cometary nuclei. This is the main way to produce meteoroid streams showers [3,4,5]. Another feasible physical process to produce cometary debris in heliocentric orbit is the disruption of a comet that explains the formation of about ten meteoroid streams [6,7,8]. This second pathway produces far larger particles that sometimes can even be in the meter scale and can explain very bright bolides associated with some meteor showers [8]. Unfortunately, large bolides are rare events so in order to study them a continuous sky monitoring is required which is the only way to collect information on the dynamic origin and physical behavior of large bolides penetrating Earth’s at mosphere. So far we have described different cases related to the Taurid complex [1,2]. Several Near Earth Objects (NEOs) have been dynamically associated w ith the Taurid complex clearly suggesting that the progressive disruption of a larger cometary progenitor is the source of this com- plex of bodies [9, 10]. In the current abstract we focus in a Taurid fireball named SPMN 201112 recorded on November 20 th , 2012 at 2h16m15.6s UT

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