FrOm.the study of satellite imagery, up to 1.396 lineaments on Neogene rocks of the northeastern Duero Basin have been identified. Length of lineaments fluctuates from 137 to 19.818 m. The statistical analysis of lineament directions shows a NE-SW mode and N130, N020, N090-100 y N180 relative maxima. The study of lineament orientation pattern within specific length-intervals shows a NE-SW dominant trend for the 0-3.000 m interval and NW-SE dominant directions for lineaments largest than 3.000 m. The comparison between satellite lineaments and the main structures affecting the pre-Neogene basement indicates that the orientation of largest lineaments seems to be controlled by major previous structures. Minor lineaments can correspond to faults and joints newly formed under the regional stress field in the Duero Basin during the Neogen